Největší český výrobce kanalizační litiny


Technology advantages:

  • Improved handling
  • Safety

XPUK Hatch multi-tool

Code: XPUK

Destription: Includes universal hatch wrench for multiple bolt types and a crowbar

SHZPK Short hooks

Code : SHZPK

Destription: Short hooks used to handle hatch covers

SKZPD Long hooks

Code : SKZPD

Destription: Long hooks used to handle hatch covers

SV15UNI Shaft ring tongs 1.5 t

Code: SV15UNI

Destription: Self-clamping tongs used to handle the DN1000 shaft rings

SV25UNI Shaft ring tongs 2.5 t

Code: SV25UNI

Destription: Self-clamping tongs used to handle the DN1200 and DN1500 shaft rings