Největší český výrobce kanalizační litiny


Load class A15

Load class A15 manhole covers are suitable for grassy and unpaved areas that are subject to pedestrian and cyclist loads. There is a maximum load limit of 1.5 tonnes according to ČSN EN 124-2. 

Load class B125

Load class B125 manhole covers are suitable for covering sewer manholes in pavements, pedestrian zones and car parks. There is a maximum load limit of 12.5 tonnes according to ČSN EN 124-2.

Load class C250

Load class C250 manhole covers are suitable for covering manholes in car-only traffic, car parks and parking strips (max. 0.5 m into the road and 0.2 m into the pavement). There is a maximum load limit of 25 tonnes according to ČSN EN 124-2.

Load class D400

Load class D400 sewer manhole covers are suitable for covering manholes in roadways, reinforced verges and parking areas permissible for all road vehicle types. There is a maximum load limit of 40 tonnes according to ČSN EN 124-2.

Load class E600

Load class E600 sewer manhole covers are suitable for covering manholes in roads and areas with extreme loads (e.g. harbours). There is a maximum load limit of 60 tonnes according to ČSN EN 124-2.

Load class F900

Load class F900 sewer manhole covers are suitable for covering manholes in airfields. There is a maximum load limit of 90 tonnes according to ČSN EN 124-2.

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